Good morning
Monday morning, mmmm not feeling much like doing anything today at work, wish I could be tucked up on my sofa with a warm quilt and a milky coffee!
If only…….
Anyway, today I would like to share the swaps that I made for my teamies at our play day yesterday.
It was, as always, a great day full of inspiration, chatter, coffee and making me step out of my comfort zone!
Wished that one of our teamies (you know who you are!) had been there, then the day would have been ever better but hey ho, we were thinking of you (and your ears may have been burning a little!).
I found these lovely little buckets from a well known crafting outlet which just begged to be filled with flower bulbs and decorated.
So off I went……
I wish I had spent more time “fluffing up” the flowers on top before snapping away with the camera. The flowers here look very flat but when I first placed them on top they actually looked like a flower!
Never mind.
I must say I was pleased with the outcome and I just hoped that the teamies would be happy with them too!
All materials used were from SU.
Ink: Melon Mambo (to colour the tissue paper flowers)
Designed Series Paper: Gingham Garden
Embelishments: Burlap Trim, Antique Brads, Very Vintage Designer Buttons, Linen thread, Tissue paper
Thank you for stopping by today.
Remember if you wish to purchase any of the products used, just press “Shop Now” on the sidebar and it will take you directly to my online SU shop.
Enjoy your day
Take care
Jan xxxx
Oh! How wonderflu! They look LOVELY Jan
Now I've got a green face AND red ears! It's not a good look! LOL!
Sarn xxx
Thank you Sarn. Can picture the look! Jan xx
This teamie is very happy thankyou! I love my little bucket. O dear Sarn I see a little pixie in my head! You are so funny! lol xxx