The fabulous new Stampin’Up! catalogue is now live.   There are so
many new  products so there is bound to be something that you fall in
love with!    If you have not already received a hard copy and wish to
receive one, please let me know.

One of  my favourite suites in the catalogue is the Delightful Daisy Suite, so fresh and so versatile.

I will be back later today to show you some of the things I have made with this suite.

If you wish to place an order you can order directly via my online shop

Please make sure you enter the HOSTESS CODE:  CHZPMQ7M    (all orders placed online using this code will be sent a free gift from me).  

Just before you place that order……..I would like to offer my
customers affordability and the best value for money, so would the
following be of interest to you?

Would you
like £130 worth of product and pay only £99 ?  That’s over £30 of FREE
Stampin’Up!® product ?  Yes, you are interested?  Then why not join Stampin’Up!®and
my team. There are absolutely NO CATCHES?  You  are not forced to stay,
or to sell either. You can join up and just enjoy the 20% discount. If
you don’t want the discount any more – you can just come back and
continue to be one of my customers. You have NOTHING to lose –
especially if your wish list is over £99.00 – it just makes perfect

If this is of interest to you click on the link to take you to more details about joining in the fun!

I know that for some of you this won’t be of any interest but just thought I would put it out there!

Thank you to my customers for your support over the past year and I look
forward to the future, sharing my love of craft with you.

Have a great weekend

Jan xxxx


PS  Please let me know if any of the links don’t work!!