Good morning
Wow isn’t the weather just gorgeous this week (so far!!).
Today I thought I would talk to you about the fabulous kits that are featured in the new Annual Catalogue.
Some of the kits are what we call “all inclusive” kits and others are “kits”. The “all inclusive” kits literally have all the you need to complete your cards, whereas the other “kits” you may need to add extra’s to complete the kit.
All of the kits come with instructions and pictures showing the completed cards.
I think they are great value for money and are great if you need to just rustle up a card quickly!!
An example of an “all inclusive” kit is the Looking Up card kit featured. If you would like to see or purchase the kit click here or you can click on “Go Shopping” on the right hand side bar.
Thank you for stopping by today.
Take care
Jan xxx
Facebook Twinks Stamping
Phone: 07739 321 417 (I am not always able to answer phone, PLEASE leave me a message and I will call you back)
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These kits are great aren't they. Love those balloon images – and also loving that Free as a Bird card in your sidebar! x