It is a fabulous time to join my team !
- You can fully customise your starter kit, you choose exactly what products you would like to the value of £ 130.00 for the price of £99.00 ! This kit will be sent to you postage free too.
- A minimum of 20% discount on every order. Discounts will rise the more you share Stampin’ Up!
- Incentives & Bonuses – the more you spend or sell the more points you can earn which can be used to buy product, SU merchandise or even all expense paid trips!
- NO RISK – Try out your demoship for at least three months with absolutely no catch.
- Fabulous groups & forums on social media to get inspiration, tips and help from other demonstrators. You also receive regular inspiration from Stampin’Up! in the form of emails with project ideas and information plus a quarterly magazine delivered to your door.
- Exclusive FB group just for my team where you are kept up to date with all that is going on in SU and a place where you can share your ideas .
What is a Demonstrator?
This is the name that Stampin’Up! gives to people who have joined. It does not mean you have to run classes, sell or host parties. A lot of people who sign up for themselves are commonly known as “Hobby Demos”.
What is expected of me?
To remain an active demonstrator and receive all the benefits, you will need to spend approx £ 280 per quarter. Many crafters find this achievable either by themselves or just selling to family and friends.
What if I no longer want to be a demonstrator?
You can leave whenever you want. There are no penalties at all. There are two ways of doing this, you can either formally resign in writing or you can just sit back and do nothing. With the latter you will automatically just “drop”. You will find that you no longer able to access your demo site and place an order.
Hopefully you have read all the way down to here, so, if you would like to join my team all you have to do is click here to go directly to the Independent Demonstrator Agreement (IDA). These are the Terms & Conditions and the legal bit of signing up as a Demonstrator. Once you have done this you then are instructed to go and do your shopping for your starter kit!