Hi there,
have some exciting news!
To celebrate 25 years, Stampin’Up! have
offered the chance to join for a mere £ 25.00 ! The normal price would
be £99.00 !!!
Your starter kit will include the following:-
- Between £ 25 and £ 26.95 worth of Stampin’ Up! products
- The Stampin’ Up’ Business pack (this is well worth having to help you on your way to achieving your own crafting business as it will include “Getting Started CD, Order Forms & Guest Invitation postcards)
- A box of annual catalogues & a pack of the Autumn/Winter catalogues
Interested? Why not drop me an email or give me a call, I will be only too happy to help.
If you prefer you can go to the “Become a Demonstrator” on my blog.
Thanks for stopping by
Take care
Jan x