Our playday this month was a special party one hosted by our brilliant upline, Lesley. Lesley supplied all the make and takes, delish cake and other goodies. Such a great host as well as a great upline! The reason the playday was different from the normal ones was because we got to meet other ladies in our team. Nice to put faces to names.
Anyway, the next three cards are the make & takes Lesley set up for us.
Aren’t they fantastic. She soooo creative. Thoroughly enjoyed making these and they certainly kept us busy.
Great day had by all and am now looking forward to the next playday in April.
Thanks for stopping by
Take care
Jan xxxx
My blogs:-
They do indeed look fabulous. Very creative and wonderfully Spring-like.
Hugs, Sarn xxx
It was a great fun day wasn't it. Certainly the hostess with the mostest, and a top notch 'Mummy'. X
Blush! Your photography is fab…. Tips please! Xxx
These look like really fun make and takes!