If ever you were thinking of joining Stampin’Up! now is the time to do it!! This is why!
SPECIAL STARTER KIT OFFER during the month of JULY, you will be able to pick one set of Family Ink pads from In Color 2017 – 2020, Neutrals, Brights, Regals, or Subtles worth £63 for FREE on top of your £130 worth of products of your choice for just £99, That is a whopping £193. worth of quality products for JUST £99… I would love you to join my team, just contact me on here or via email @ twinksstamping@live.com to take up this really special offer.
These are the five colour families – remember you get to choose a WHOLE family, not just one ink pad and they are free!
I am looking forward to hearing from you.
Take care
Jan xx
Twinks Stamping